Wednesday, August 02, 2006


genre virgin gets spanked

Look, it's a perogative of the story department to hate your Net Weasel, so we hate ours. especially when he suggests that we start cribbing from Balzac and James Joyce and other dead white guys to "elevate our material."

Our Material is on at 8 pm and it's designed to lure teenagers. i'm not dissing the teenagers - they're lapping up Veronica Mars, as am I, but frankly, i think they don't give a shit about us shooting our mouths off to prove that our parents paid the big bucks to send us to a faux-Ivy League university.

or perhaps more correctly, that if you Google "succubus" and "author" you'll eventually find Balzac.

but back to the slap-down.

there were some good points buried in the Weasel's overwhelming verbiage. honestly. i live by the notion that a note might be bad, but the impulse behind the note must be explored. any old Weasel might not know what is wrong, exactly, but they're tripping over something and it's your job to find out what it is.

So the Chief read the notes and it twigged something in him that was absolutely valid, and absolutely ABOUT GENRE.

see, i had a Demon in the show. Two, actually. and how one "came across" the veil between the human realm and the demon realm is fully explained, but the other one Just Shows Up.

as Cagney would sneer it, There's rules about them sorts of things, see?

i've got to EXPLAIN my demon. how'd she get across?

and suddenly my demon etymology's up for grabs, and the deaths have to be different, and now the husband has to look even more guilty, and i've lost the maid, and the climax in the bed with the demon and the heroine just might not happen (my desperate attempts to bring some sex into the heroine's life possibly foiled, once again...)

suddenly, i miss writing for humans.

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